Normandy - Brittany: 6 days, 7 nights, date TBD

1800 - 2000 € all inclusive (preliminary price indication)


This trip across Normandy and Brittany could rightfully be named the legends' tour.

In Giverny we will meet Claude Monet, the father of impressionism, the artistic movement named after his painting "Impression Soleil Levant". In his last years Monet painted his particularly famous series of water lilies in his magnificent garden in Giverny, as well as on the banks of the Seine on which we will row.

In Caen, let us pay tribute to the D-day heroes and row under Pegasus Bridge, taken by the British Sixth Airborne Division on the morning of D-day.

The Mont-Saint-Michel is the top French tourist destination outside of Paris. The abbey, built on a rock in the middle of a vast bay, is topped by the archangel Saint Michael slaying the dragon, a legend from medieval times.

At Le Mans we will relive the best hours of the mythical car race and have thoughts for its legendary drivers.

On our return journey to Le Perreux we will stop at Chartres. Its cathedral has the largest and best preserved collection of medieval stained glass windows in the world.

We will row on the Seine, the Orne, the Rance, the Sarthe, the Marne and, if local conditions permit, in the Channel in Saint-Malo.



Saturday: Hotel check-in

Sunday: Drive to Giverny. Visit to Monet's house and gardens. Rowing on the Seine. Night in Giverny.

Monday: Transfer to Caen. Visit the D-day sites. Rowing in Caen.

Tuesday: Visit to Mont-Saint-Michel. Rowing in Saint-Malo (if conditions allow). Night in Saint-Malo

Wednesday: Visit Dinan, a medieval Breton town. Rowing on the Rance. Night in Le Mans

Tuesday: Visit to the Le Mans racing circuit and museum. Rowing on the Sarthe. Night in Chartres

Friday: Visit to the Chartres cathedral. Drive to Le Perreux. Rowing on the Marne

Saturday: Hotel check-out 


Boats used: gig quads / yolettes / C-Vierer, except in Saint Malo: coastal quads

Daily rowing distance; average 15 km, maximum 18 km


Participants: Min 8, max 10